How to Grow and Care for Snake Plants

snake plant

Snake plants, also known as Sansevieria, are popular indoor plants that not only add a touch of green to your home but also require minimal care. Whether you're a seasoned plant parent or just starting your journey, snake plants are an excellent choice. In this guide, we'll walk you through how to plant and grow snake plants, including a section on growing them from seeds.

Planting Snake Plants:

What You'll Need:
  • A snake plant (Sansevieria)
  • A pot with drainage holes
  • Well-draining potting mix
  • Water
  • Optional: a saucer to catch excess water

Steps to plant and grow snake plant 

Step 1: Choose Your Snake Plant:

You can start with an existing snake plant or buy one from a nursery. Snake plants come in various sizes and leaf patterns, so pick the one you love!

Step 2: Choose the Right Pot:

Select a pot that's slightly larger than the root ball of your snake plant, and ensure it has drainage holes. This is crucial to prevent overwatering, which snake plants dislike.

Step 3: Prepare the Potting Mix:

Snake plants prefer well-draining soil. You can mix cactus or succulent potting soil with perlite to improve drainage. Fill the pot about 1/3 full with the potting mix.

Step 4: Transplant Your Snake Plant:

Gently remove the snake plant from its current pot and loosen the roots. Place it in the new pot and add more potting mix around the plant until it's stable and the top of the root ball is about an inch below the pot rim.

Step 5: Water Sparingly:

Snake plants are quite drought-tolerant. Water them thoroughly but allow the soil to dry out between watering. Be sure not to let the pot sit in standing water, as this can lead to root rot.

Growing Snake Plants from Seeds

Growing snake plants from seeds is possible but more challenging. Here's how to do it:
What You'll Need:
  • Snake plant seeds (harvested from mature plants)
  • Seed-starting mix
  • Small pots or seed trays
  • Clear plastic bags or plastic wrap
  • A warm, bright location

Step 1: Obtain Snake Plant Seeds:

To get seeds, you'll need to wait for your snake plant to flower. Once it does, pollinate it and wait for seeds to develop.

Step 2: Prepare Seed-Starting Mix:

Use a seed-starting mix that's well-draining. Fill your small pots or seed trays with this mix.

Step 3: Plant the Seeds:

Sow the snake plant seeds on the surface of the seed-starting mix. Press them gently into the soil but don't bury them too deeply.

Step 4: Create a Mini Greenhouse:

Cover the pots or trays with clear plastic bags or plastic wrap to create a mini greenhouse effect. This will help maintain humidity and warmth.

Step 5: Provide Light and Warmth:

Place the pots or trays in a bright, warm location. Snake plant seeds need consistent warmth and indirect sunlight to germinate.

Step 6: Monitor and Transplant:

Keep an eye on your seeds. Once they germinate and grow a few inches tall, you can transplant them into individual pots with regular snake plant care.

Snake Plant caring tips

This guide will walk you through the essential aspects of snake plant care to help your green friend thrive.

Light Requirements:

  • Snake plants are adaptable to various light conditions, but they thrive in indirect sunlight.
  • Place your snake plant in a location with bright, filtered light. They can tolerate low light but may grow more slowly.


  • One of the most common mistakes is overwatering. Snake plants prefer to dry out between watering.
  • Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry at least 1-2 inches deep before watering again. During the growing season (spring and summer), water more frequently than in the dormant season.


  • Well-draining soil is crucial for snake plants. Use a cactus or succulent mix or add perlite to regular potting soil to improve drainage.
  • Avoid using heavy or water-retentive soils that can lead to root rot.

Temperature and Humidity:

  • Snake plants are comfortable in a wide range of temperatures, ideally between 70-90°F (21-32°C).
  • They are adaptable to average indoor humidity levels, making them suitable for various climates.


  • Choose a pot with drainage holes to prevent waterlogged soil.
  • Snake plants prefer to be slightly root-bound, so don't choose a pot much larger than the root ball.


  • Snake plants are not heavy feeders. Fertilize with a balanced, diluted liquid fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) every 4-6 weeks.
  • In the dormant season, reduce or eliminate fertilization.


  • Trim yellow or damaged leaves at the base using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears.
  • Regularly remove dust from the leaves with a damp cloth to keep them healthy.

Pests and Diseases:

  • Snake plants are generally resistant to pests and diseases. However, overwatering can lead to root rot.
  • Keep an eye out for mealybugs or spider mites. If detected, treat them promptly with insecticidal soap or neem oil.


  • Snake plants are easy to propagate. Divide the plant during repotting or cut healthy leaves into sections and plant them in soil.
  • Allow cuttings to dry for a day before planting to prevent rot.

Snake Plant Issues Resolution

  • If leaves are mushy and discolored, reduce watering.
  • If leaves are wrinkled, increase watering.
  • Yellow leaves may indicate overwatering or inadequate light.

Benefits of Having a Snake Plant in Your Home

  1. Breath of Fresh Air: Snake plants clean your indoor air by getting rid of harmful stuff like formaldehyde. It's like a natural air filter for your home.
  2. Lazy Gardener's Dream: If you're not great with plants, the snake plant is your pal. It's tough and can handle forgetful watering and different light levels.
  3. Oxygen While You Sleep: While you snooze, the snake plant keeps working, turning CO2 into oxygen. Stick one in your bedroom for a fresh night's sleep.
  4. Tough as Nails: Snake plants are like the superheroes of the plant world. They can take a lot of neglect and still stand tall.
  5. Get Stuff Done Plant: Having a snake plant around might boost your focus and productivity. It's like having a green sidekick cheering you on.
  6. Looks, Not Just Leaves: Snake plants aren't just good for your health; they're easy on the eyes too. Their cool, upright leaves add a touch of class to any room.
  7. Humidity Helper: Snake plants do a bit of DIY humidity control. Great for places that could use a little extra moisture, like during dry seasons.
  8. Plant Family Expansion: Sharing is caring. Snake plants are so simple to grow, you can easily make new ones and spread the green love.
  9. Good Vibes with Feng Shui: In Feng Shui, snake plants bring good vibes. Their strong growth symbolizes strength and positive energy.
  10. Happy Plant, Happy You: Being around a snake plant can actually make you feel better. Studies say it reduces stress and adds to your overall happiness.

Snake Plant Care: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can you grow a snake plant from a cutting?

A: Absolutely! Snake plants can be grown from cuttings. After cutting a healthy leaf, let it dry for about a day to form a protective callus. Plant the cutting in well-draining soil, and it will develop roots over time.

Q: What is the best way to grow a snake plant?

A: For optimal growth, place your snake plant in a spot with bright, filtered light. Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry between waterings. Use well-draining soil to prevent root issues, and keep the temperature between 70-90°F (21-32°C).

Q: How do you keep a snake plant healthy?

A: To maintain a healthy snake plant, use well-draining soil to prevent overwatering. Water sparingly, place it in a location with indirect sunlight, and regularly wipe the leaves to remove dust, promoting optimal photosynthesis.

Q: What are the disadvantages of a snake plant?

A: While snake plants are generally easy to care for, overwatering can lead to root rot. Additionally, some people may experience skin irritation due to contact with the plant's sap, so handle with care.

Q: Is it better to propagate a snake plant in water or soil?

A: Snake plants can be propagated in both water and soil. While water propagation is popular, soil propagation often yields quicker and more successful results.

Q: Will cut snake plant leaves grow back?

A: No, once a leaf is cut, it won't regrow. However, the plant can produce new leaves from the center of the rosette, ensuring ongoing growth.

Q: Where is the best place to put a snake plant in your house?

A: Choose a well-lit area with indirect sunlight for your snake plant. They are versatile and can adapt to various locations within your home, making them suitable for different light conditions.

Q: Should I spray water on a snake plant?

A: It's best to avoid spraying water on the leaves. Instead, water the soil directly to prevent overhydration and potential leaf issues. Snake plants prefer a drier environment.

Q: Can you replant a broken snake plant leaf?

A: Yes, you can replant a broken leaf. Ensure the broken section has calloused over by letting it dry, then plant it in well-draining soil. The leaf may not grow back, but the plant can produce new leaves.

Q: Why do snake plant leaves curl?

A: Curling leaves can be a sign of overwatering or underwatering. Adjust your watering routine to allow the soil to dry between waterings. Ensure proper drainage to prevent water-related stress on the plant.

Q: How do I stop my snake plant from curling?

A: To prevent curling, adjust your watering schedule. If the leaves are curling due to overwatering, let the soil dry out before watering again. If underwatering is the issue, water the plant more frequently.

Q: How do I keep my snake plant small?

A: Snake plants naturally stay compact. To control their size, limit the pot size, and trim back any unwanted growth using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears. Regular maintenance will help keep the plant's size in check.

Growing snake plants from seeds is a bit more involved, but it can be a rewarding experience for plant enthusiasts. For most people, starting with a mature snake plant from a nursery is the easiest and quickest way to enjoy these hardy and beautiful houseplants. Happy planting!

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