How to Grow and Care for Peace Lily Plants

peace lily

The Peace Lily is a great indoor plant known for its beauty and air-cleaning abilities. Even though it's called a lily, it's not a true lily. It comes from Central and South America and is now loved in homes everywhere. 

Look for its shiny green leaves and pretty white flowers. Those flowers might seem like petals, but they're actually a hood-like cover called a spathe, wrapping around the real flower spike, the spadix. This unique feature makes the plant even more special. Whether you're a plant pro or just starting, this easy-to-care-for beauty makes your space peaceful. In this guide, we'll keep it simple – learn how to plant, grow, and make your Peace Lily thrive effortlessly. Let's make your place a green, peaceful paradise!

Types of peace Lily plants

Peace lilies are popular indoor plants because they look fancy and help clean the air. Here are some types you might find:

Spathiphyllum Wallisii (Mauna Loa):

Looks: Common in homes, with dark green leaves and white spoon-shaped flowers.
Size: Small and fits well in little spaces.
Light: Likes low to medium light.

Spathiphyllum Sensation:

Looks: Bigger and showier than Wallisii, with broad leaves and larger flowers.
Care: Needs a bit more light but still easy to take care of.

Spathiphyllum Domino:

Looks: Special green and white leaves for a unique twist.
Care: Enjoys low to medium light and is easy to keep happy.

Spathiphyllum Chopin:

Looks: Hybrid type, compact and shiny leaves.
Ideal: Perfect for small spaces, keeping that classic peace lily style.

How to Grow Peace Lily Plant

Growing Peace Lily in Soil (Pot):

1. Choose the Right Pot:

Pick a pot with drainage holes to avoid overwatering. Peace lilies like slightly crowded roots, so don't go for a pot that's too big.

2. Use Well-Draining Soil:

Fill the pot with a well-draining potting mix. You can find this at your local garden center.

3. Planting: 

Place the peace lily in the center of the pot at the same depth it was in its previous container. Cover the roots with soil and press down gently.

4. Watering: 

Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry.

5. Light:

Put the pot in a spot with indirect, low to medium light. Avoid direct sunlight.

Growing Peace Lily in Water:

1. Select a Healthy Cutting: 

Choose a healthy peace lily cutting with a few leaves.

2. Place in Water:

Put the cutting in a container with water, making sure the nodes (where leaves and roots grow) are submerged.

3. Root Development: 

Change the water regularly and watch for roots to grow. Once roots are a few inches long, you can transplant it into soil.

4. Transplanting:

Plant the rooted cutting in a pot with well-draining soil, following the steps for growing in soil.

5. Care:

Continue caring for it like a regular peace lily in the soil.

Growing Peace Lily from Seeds:

1. Seed Collection:

Collect seeds from mature peace lily flowers. Allow the flower to fade and produce berries containing seeds.

2. Seed Preparation: 

Remove seeds from the berries, wash them, and let them dry for a day or two.

3. Planting Peace lily Seeds:

Plant the seeds in a seed-starting mix or potting soil. Press them lightly into the soil surface.

4. Moisture and Cover:

Keep the soil consistently moist. You can cover the container with plastic wrap to create a mini greenhouse effect.

5. Germination: 

Once seeds germinate, remove the cover and provide indirect light.

6. Transplanting:

When seedlings have a few leaves, transplant them into individual pots with well-draining soil.

7. Regular Care: 

Care for seedlings as you would for adult peace lilies.

How to care for Peace lily plants


Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water when the top inch feels dry, and make sure excess water drains away. If the leaves droop a bit, it means they need water. But be careful not to overwater, as peace lilies don't like wet feet, which can cause root problems.


Peace lilies like a bit of humidity. Boost it by misting the leaves or placing a tray of water nearby. This helps keep the leaves healthy, especially in dry indoor conditions, preventing them from getting brown tips.


Put your peace lily in a spot with indirect, low to medium light. They can handle lower light, but avoid direct sunlight, as it can burn their leaves. Rotate the plant occasionally if it leans toward the light for even growth.


Keep your peace lily in a room with a temperature between 65-80°F (18-27°C). Steady temperatures are best; avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes, as peace lilies aren't fans of surprises.


Feed your peace lily with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 6-8 weeks in spring and summer. Dilute the fertilizer to half or quarter strength to avoid overdoing it. This helps your plant grow healthy leaves and might encourage more blooms.


Trim yellow or brown leaves at the base with clean scissors. Regular pruning keeps your plant looking good and redirects energy for new growth. Cut off spent flowers at the base to encourage new blooms and save energy for growing instead of making seeds.


Repot your peace lily every 1-2 years when it outgrows its pot. Use a slightly larger pot and fresh soil to give it a nutrient boost. Loosen the roots gently during repotting, and keep the plant at the same depth. This refreshes your plant and prevents it from feeling too cramped.

Pest Control:

Watch out for pests like spider mites. If you spot any, wipe them off with a damp cloth. For bigger problems, use insecticidal soap following the instructions. Regular checks help you catch issues early before they spread.


Keep an eye on your peace lily. Notice any changes in leaf color, spots, or pests. Early detection helps you take care of problems quickly, ensuring your plant stays healthy and happy. Adjust your care based on how your plant responds to its environment.

How to Get Peace Lilies to Flower

  • Getting your peace lily to bloom is like creating a comfy and happy home for it. First, make sure it gets enough bright, but not direct, sunlight. It's like giving it a sunny day without the heat. Keep the room temperature steady, not too hot or cold, so your plant feels cozy.
  • Watering is like giving it a drink when it's thirsty. Make sure the soil is always a bit damp but not soaking wet. It's like finding the right balance so your peace lily is happy. Give it a light meal with some plant food, but not too much – think of it like a small snack, not a big feast.
  • Be patient, because peace lilies take their time to show off their flowers. Keep an eye out for little buds at the base of the leaves – that's a sign the flowers are on their way. Once the flowers have had their time, trim them back. It's like giving your plant a haircut, and it helps it bloom again.
  • If your peace lily seems stuck and doesn't want to bloom, maybe it's time for a change. Repotting it is like giving it a new home, with fresh soil and more space. And if your place feels a bit dry, add some mist or a tray of water to make it cozier for your peace lily. Remember, by creating a comfy home with the right light, water, and care, you'll soon enjoy the beautiful blooms of your peace lily.

Frequently Asked Questions about Peace Lilies:

1. Where should I place a peace lily in my house? 

Place your peace lily in a spot with bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves. They thrive in rooms with filtered sunlight or slightly shaded areas.

2. Do peace lilies need sun or shade? 

Peace lilies prefer indirect sunlight or partial shade. Direct sunlight can be too harsh for them. A well-lit room with filtered sunlight is ideal for their growth.

3. Why are peace lilies so hard to take care of? 

Peace lilies are generally considered easy to care for, but they can be sensitive to overwatering. The key is finding the right balance. Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings, and they should thrive.

4. How do you take care of an indoor peace lily? 

Keep your indoor peace lily in well-draining soil, water it moderately, and ensure it gets indirect sunlight. Wipe the leaves occasionally to keep them dust-free. Regular care will keep your peace lily healthy.

5. Should I cut the brown tips off my peace lily? 

Yes, trim brown tips using clean scissors. This helps the plant redirect energy to healthier parts. Ensure you are not cutting too much; a slight trim is usually sufficient.

6. Can I put my peace lily outside in the sun? 

While peace lilies are indoor plants, they can be placed in a shaded outdoor area. Be cautious of direct sunlight, as it can be too intense. Ensure the temperature and conditions mimic their indoor environment.

7. Do peace lilies bloom all year indoors? 

Peace lilies can bloom intermittently throughout the year, but their peak blooming season is spring to early summer. Proper care, including the right light conditions, can encourage more frequent blooming.

8. Why are my peace lilies growing leaves but no flowers? 

Insufficient light is a common reason. Ensure your peace lily gets enough indirect sunlight. Additionally, try adjusting the watering routine and consider fertilizing to promote flowering.

9. Do you cut off dead peace lily flowers? 

Yes, trim dead or faded flowers to encourage new growth. This process, called deadheading, redirects the plant's energy to produce more blooms.

10. What should I feed my peace lily? 

Feed your peace lily with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Follow the package instructions for proper dilution and application frequency.

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